SeaGlide Trials
MGI’s Initial SeaGlide Trials: From Buoyancy Tests to Full Autonomous Operation in Three Working Weeks MGI Engineering has recently embarked on an exciting journey with

R10’s First Flight
The R10 Cargo Drone’s First Flights: A New Era in Logistics The logistics industry is on the cusp of a transformation with the introduction of

A Thrilling Company Social Day at the F1 British Grand Prix: Uniting Passion and Wellbeing
MGI Engineering places a high priority on the well-being of its employees and considers the establishment of a positive work culture as crucial. In line

To Dave Gorman – an inspiration
Teachers can often be under-appreciated yet they have the power to mould and inspire the next generation. For me, it was no different, and there

James Burke – the iconic television moment behind our launch video
Innovation is at the core of what MGI Engineering is and does. That spark of inspiration has led to so many life-changing discoveries and inventions

MGI to sponsor development programme at the University of Cambridge
MGI Engineering is delighted to announce that it will be sponsoring a development programme in partnership with the Møller Centre at Churchill College at the

MGI Insights with Dr Alice Daniels
New research by EngineeringUK published in March 2022 highlighted some positive trends for the number of women working in engineering. The findings reveal that 16.5% of those

Mike debates Next Generation Technologies at Autosport International
MGI Engineering CEO Mike Gascoyne, and newly appointed Commercial Director Cris Hiche, headed to the 2023 Autosport International Show in Birmingham for their first event of the

MGI strengthens team with Commercial Director appointment
MGI Engineering has further strengthened its leadership team by appointing Cris Hiche into the newly created role of Commercial Director, which will help support the